Sep 7, 2010

J's first day of school

My first child started kindergarten today.
(J waiting in line somewhat nervously)

I expected J to be up early and ready to go, but it was not the case. After 3 nights of sleep over at cousins over Labor Day weekend, I guess he was tired and comfortably snoozing in his bed. So here I went to wake him up.
Me: "Hey, J."
I gently touch his head.
J: "What?"
His eyes still closed.
Me: "Do you want to go to school?"
He gestured with his index finger pointing up. He rolled and sat up. Within 10 seconds, he was awake and smiling.
J: "Are we going to school tomorrow?"
Me: "No. You are going to school today."
J: "Today? Really?"
Big grin.
Me: "Yes. Today. Come on out!"
He hopped out of bed.
Wow. I wish I could be that quick.

He was able to eat only half bowl of cereal this morning. He must have been a bit nervous.
I was able to force myself to eat only a banana. Yes, I was pretty nervous.

My husband took a morning off to be with the younger two, while I took J to school.
Today is a special day. He carried his new backpack. I took pictures. He fiddled with the backpack straps. I took more pictures. We lined up as bell rang. J holding onto my hand, not too tight, but just to make sure I'm still there. After his teacher took attendance, we proceeded to the class - his own locker, his name tag with assigned seat, and so many new kids. I gave him a kiss, and he gave me a hug. We said our good-byes. I took more pictures.

I went home. And I cried. I couldn't help worrying about him.
I was very sure that he would do fine. But I was not so sure if I would do fine.

A few hour later, J came home in a bus, all smiling, holding his water bottle. Wait. He forgot his backpack already on the first day?? There was no one sitting next to him in the bus, so his backpack was "sitting" next to him, J told me. From there, he couldn't stop talking about what he did at school and how much he loved it. He inhaled 2 sandwiches and a glass of milk, while he talked. I found myself smiling while listening to him. Love it.

Then he asked me, "Can I go to school again tomorrow?"

Before J was born, I promised myself that I would raise my child in Japanese, and, if all possible, that I would never place him in a daycare. And I did. Here he is all ready to start his new life. I have no regret at this point of my life. That's a good thing.

1 comment:

Kumiko said...
